It’s all so civilized.
We caught a train out of Bath on Wednesday morning and had a lovely ride
across the south of England, arriving in Penzance, Cornwall. This was the leg of our travel that
Leslie was in charge of. By
selecting our B&B she has proved herself to be a woman of fine taste. Our
host and hostess at the Camilla House greeted us warmly. We were invited into the lounge for a
cup of tea and Simon drew us a lovely map of all the best restaurants and pubs
within walking distance. He made suggestions for day trips, guided tours and
general walk-abouts. Enough
said! Our bags were taken to our
room and we set off to have a look at Penzance.
Our first foray took us through the old churchyard, where we
stopped to have a look at the old gravestones. I love to read the stones. From there, we stopped in The Turk’s head for a pint before moving
on to the Admiral Benbow for dinner.
What an experience!
If anyone has watched the Doc Martin series, you will remember that the
imaginary town of Port Wenn is populated with the most unusual characters,
quirky and slightly off center.
Perhaps you thought that a writer with a very fertile imagination had
invented the Doc Martin cast of zanies?
You would be wrong. These
are real people. As we sat at our
table in the Benbow, we were treated to the most incredible parade of
locals. In walked a fellow wearing
nylon jogging shorts, sandals and a t-shirt, all topped by a navy blue sport
coat. The bar maid greeted him by
saying “You’re looking particularly dapper this evening, Alan.” Next was an elderly lady in flowing
skirts, scarves, wraps, colored mid calf socks and sandals. She wore her silver hair in a
disheveled chignon, streaked with purple and green, which of course matched her
socks. But, a word about the décor.
Please imagine a pirate hoarder.
The proprietor and his wife have traveled the world, attending auctions
and swap meets so that they could continually add to their collections of
cannon balls, mastheads, lanterns, riggings, steins, harness brass, etc. All this is displayed in rooms that
have been built with restored sections of old schooners and pirate ships. Between the people and the various
collections, our heads were on a constant swivel.
And, the food?
OMG. Leslie ordered a root
vegetable soup that she swears tasted exactly like Thanksgiving dinner. I choose the Seafood pasta. The seafood had been in the sea just
hours before it appeared on my plate, combining prawns, squid rings, scallops,
mussels and chunks of various fish in a creamy rose sauce. Magnificent!
Simon had arranged a tour for us on Thursday morning. Following breakfast, we were picked up
at our door by our guide, Russ.
Russ is a local young man with a couple of degrees in marine biology and
botany behind him. He and his
Brazilian wife operate guided walking tours and the van tour we were on. Because we were the first pair to be
picked up, Leslie grabbed the front seat, next to Russ and I staked out the center
of the back seat.
drove to St. Ives to pick up another couple, leaving them only the third
seat. We spent four hours with
Russ, asking questions and hearing stories of dancing maidens turned to stone,
ship wrecks, government schemes involving loose cows mowing the roadsides, and
how to enjoy cream tea.
One of Russ’s stories involved the
stone circles we visited. Russ
told us that there were eight known remaining stone circles, but none were in
England. What? We were standing in one of the stone
circles and yet he tells us that there are NO remaining circles? Leslie piped up “But, Russ, we’re in
England”. “AhHa” Russ
answered. “We are not in England,
we are in Cornwall.” Yes, there is some
serious pride in being a Cornishman. It was thirty pounds spent for a hundred
pounds of enjoyment.
Friday was a clear and calm weather day. It was perfect for taking the two and a
half boat trip on the Scillionian, out to the Isles if Scilly.
In spite of a bit of misty rain Friday morning, we braved a three-mile
walk along the promenade from Penzance to Marizion. Our goal was to walk across the beach to the island of St.
Michael’s Mount, crossing at low tide.
The castle on St. Michael’s
Mount is the home of Lord and Lady St. Aubyn, who still live in an apartment in
the former abbey. The castle is perched atop an outcropping of granite that
sits just off shore from Marizion. Wear sensible shoes if you plan to visit this
castle! The only way to the top is
a dizzying rock footpath with little twists and turns and lay-bys where you can
stop to catch your breath just before your knees lock up. We managed. The walk was well worth it
as the views are stunning. But, of
course, if you have walked up to the castle, you must walk down the same path
when you are finished. It is a bit
easier though. Once we reached
ground level we took a walk through the gardens.
Please, don’t say Mouse Hole. It’s Mouze-ull. This is a lovely little village that sits on the coast south of Penzance and Newlyn. It looks a lot like the fictional Port Wenn from Doc Martin! We had intended to get to Port Isaac, which is the actual site of the filming of the series, but time was running out. So, Mousehole it was.
We took a little stroll through the streets, admiring the cottages with their pots of flowers at the door, and an occasional working artist.
Then, it was time for the bus back to Penzance and our final evening in Cornwall. Time to pack up and head back to London.